Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So I had this idea for a quilt a few months back.

A month later I cut it out....

A month later I sewed the top together.....

The next day I tore it all apart.....

The day after that a sewed it all back together again....

The day after that I put the border on.....

The day after that I took the border off.....

Maybe today I can take another step forward without taking two steps back..... Its no wonder quilts are so expensive to buy. It takes forever just to sew them together.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on that one! I was putting the final boarder on my current quilt. I'm working with $9 a yard fabric that I bought 2 years ago and I didn't buy extra fabric. I got the sides put on (directional fabric to boot). I cut them to length. Then I realized that I had sewed the boarder on the wrong edges and now I don't have enough length to finish the other edges. I get to brainstorm to see how to fix it now and I'm sure it will take many hours of work to fix my stupid mistake.

    Quilts are expensive either way...buying or making!

    Good luck getting yours finished!
